How to enable cheats on gods eater burst in ppsspp emulator android. _c0 inf money2 #god eater burst _c0 inf money _m 0x08b18a30 0x00008052 well its infinite money xd julze made it first but i remade it lol so julz gets credit and this is .Create a new txt and copy this codes below and paste them to the new txt. If you have any cheats or tips for god eater burst please send them in here. God Eater 2 Psp Iso Usa from i. Have 2 cheats and tips on psp. #god eater burst _c0 inf money _m 0x08b18a30 0x00008052 well its infinite money xd julze made it first but i remade it lol so julz gets credit and this is .